Space 4D+ Flash Cards
SGD 15.00
SGD 15.00
per item
Embark on a fantastic space exploration experience with Space 4D+ by Octagon Studio. Space 4D+ is a collection of 27 educational AR flashcards about space including the solar system, planets, space objects, satellites, rovers, and space missions. Download the Space 4D+ app on App Store or Google Play Store for free, scan the cards. See the solar system and the planets come to life in Augmented Reality.
This pack of cards is perfect for the curious child who always wants to find out more!
This pack of cards is perfect for the curious child who always wants to find out more!
To activate the Space 4D+ cards, users are requested to register a serial number that is attached on the instruction card. One serial number can be used on three devices in total. After registering the serial number, the user can scan the cards using Space 4D+ App to start discovering:
- Mercury
- Venus
- Earth
- Mars
- Jupiter
- Saturn
- Uranus
- Neptune
- Pluto
- International Space Station
- Sputnik - [1957]
- Lunokhod I - [1970]
- Lunar Rovers - [1971]
- Spirit/Opportunity - [2004]
- Curiosity - [2011]
- Asteroids
- Black Hole
- Comet
- Meteor
- Supernova
- Soyuz Mission- [1960]
- Vostok Mission - [1961]
- Apollo 15 - [1971]
- Space Shuttle - [1981]